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Amerigo's America, i Fiorentini nel Mondo celebrano Amerigo Vespucci a New York
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Amerigo's America, i Fiorentini nel Mondo celebrano Amerigo Vespucci a New York

Navigatore, mercante e fiorentino autentico, queste le parole chiave per definire Amerigo Vespucci. L’Associazione Fiorentini nel Mondo e la European School of Economics, con la collaborazione dell’assemblea dei Toscani nel Mondo e della St John’s University, organizzano una mostra dal titolo "Amerigo’s America - Firenze e i Mercanti del Nuovo Mondo" dedicata alla figura di Amerigo Vespucci in occasione del cinquecentenario dalla morte. L'inaugurazione dell'esposizione, preceduta da una conferenza, è prevista per Mercoledì 22 febbraio 2012 alle ore 18.00 presso il Manhattan Campus della St John’s University a New York nella data esatta dei 500 anni dalla morte dell’esploratore fiorentino. Sarà presente il Console d’Italia a New York Natalia Quintavalle. Successivamente all’esposizione americana, la mostra si sposterà a Firenze ove avverrà una nuova inaugurazione con convegno alle 14.00 di Domenica 25 Marzo 2012, in occasione del tradizionale Capodanno Fiorentino, presso la sede fiorentina della European School of Economics nello splendido Palazzo Rosselli del Turco sito in Borgo Santi Apostoli. Quindi, alla fine di Ottobre 2012, la mostra sarà ospitata presso l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura a Tokyo. L’esposizione bilingue - italiano e inglese – narra attraverso un percorso storico-iconografico le gesta del Vespucci esploratore e le sue capacità imprenditoriali mettendo in risalto la cultura e le caratteristiche del mercante fiorentino tra XV e XVI secolo. 

L'esposizione sarà accompagnata anche dall’edizione di un saggio storico edito da Gallorosso Editrice e Grafiche Gelli e scritto da Andrea Claudio Galluzzo, Stefano Rosi Galli, Luciano Artusi, Tommaso Conforti, Stefano Guelfi Camaiani, Oleg Sisi, Massimo Cecchi e Stefano Cordero di Montezemolo e con la prefazione di Elio D’Anna, presidente della European School of Economics. Un video creato da Tommaso Conforti ne racconterà la vita attraverso le immagini più salienti dei luoghi vespucciani. I Fiorentini nel Mondo, adottando Amerigo Vespucci a proprio simbolo, dedicano al grande mercante ed esploratore di Firenze anche una speciale medaglia celebrativa in bronzo opera di Alessandro Luzzi il quale, con Daniela Rota e Massimo Boninsegni, ha anche curato la progettazione e l'allestimento della mostra.

“Questa mostra biografica desidera staccarsi dagli stereotipi vespucciani - commenta il presidente dei Fiorentini nel Mondo Andrea Claudio Galluzzo – definendo il percorso professionale di Amerigo Vespucci, prima capace mercante e successivamente geniale esploratore. Si tratta di un evento dedicato a uno dei simboli di tutti i fiorentini sparsi per il mondo:  la celebrazione di uno dei Fiorentini più grandi di tutte le epoche”.

Gli eventi, organizzati dai Delegati dei Fiorentini nel Mondo Francesco Bardazzi per New York, Laura Mogavero per Firenze e Flavio Gori per Tokyo, gode dell’Alto Patronato della Presidenza della Repubblica Italiana, del patrocinio di Regione Toscana, Provincia di Firenze, Comune di Firenze, Confindustria Firenze, Camera di Commercio Firenze, Ambasciata d’Italia negli USA, Consolato Italiano a New York, Ambasciata Italiana in Giappone, Assemblea Toscani nel Mondo, Istituto Italiano di Cultura New York, Istituto Italiano di Cultura Tokyo, Columbus Foundation, Italy-Usa Foundation, Tuscans of New York, Calandra Italian American Institute, Italian Heritage & Culture Committee of New York ed è stato realizzato grazie agli sponsors La Florens, European School of Economics, Frog, Alessandro Luzzi Workshop e DBV/ADV e Foundation for Sports History Museums.

Amerigo’s America
Florence and the Merchants of the New World

The Florentines Around the World Association and the European School of Economics, in collaboration with the Assembly of Tuscans Around the World and St John's University, is organizing an exhibition entitled "Amerigo's America - Florence and the Merchants of the New World" dedicated to Amerigo Vespucci on the anniversary of the fifth centenary of his death. The opening of the exhibition, preceded by a conference, is scheduled for Wednesday 22nd February 2012 at 6 PM, at the Manhattan campus of St. John's University in New York. The exact date marks 500 years after the death of the Florentine navigator. After New York, the exhibition will travel to Florence, and will open with a conference at 2pm on Sunday 25th March 2012, a date which marks the traditional Florentine New Year. The event will be held in the magnificent Renaissance Palazzo Rosselli del Turco, located in Borgo Santi Apostoli, home to the Florence campus of the European School of Economics. To conclude the celebration at the end of October 2012, the exhibition will be hosted at the Italian Cultural Institute in Tokyo. The bilingual exhibit - in English and Italian - narrates, through a historical and iconographical perspective,  the feats of Vespucci the explorer and his entrepreneurial skills, by placing a strong emphasis on the culture and the characteristics of the Florentine merchant of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. The exhibition will be accompanied by the edition of an historical essay published by Gallorosso Editrice and Gelli Graphics and written by Andrea Claudio Galluzzo, Stefano Galli Rosi, Luciano Artusi, Tommaso Conforti, Stefano Guelfi Camaiani, Oleg Sisi, Massimo Cecchi and Stefano Cordero di Montezemolo, with a preface by Elio D'Anna, president of the European School of Economics. A video created by Tommaso Conforti will describe Vespucci’s life through splendid imagiary of the places he visited. The Florentines Around the World, in adopting Amerigo Vespucci as their own symbol, will also dedicate to the great merchant and explorer of Florence a special commemorative bronze medal by Alessandro Luzzi. The events, organized by the Delegates of the Florentines Around the World: Francesco Bardazzi for New York, Laura Mogavero for Florence and Flavio Gori for Tokyo, will enjoy the high patronage of the President of Italian Republic, the patronage of the Regione Toscana, Provincia di Firenze, Comune di Firenze, Confindustria Firenze, Florence Chamber of Commerce, Embassy of Italy in the USA, the Italian Consulate in New York, the Italian Embassy in Japan, the Assembly of Tuscans Around the World, the Italian Cultural Institute of New York, Italian Cultural Institute of Tokyo, Columbus Foundation, Italy-USA Foundation, Tuscans of New York, Calandra Italian American Institute, Italian Heritage and Cultura Committee NY and was made possible thanks to the sponsors - La Florens, European School of Economics, Frog, Alessandro Luzzi Workshop and LVD / ADV and the Foundation for Sports History Museums.


Vespucci is not only an explorer but first and foremost a merchant, an entrepreneur. He represents one of the richest nations of Europe: the state of Florence, the city-state that in fifty years would have created the Grand Duchy of Tuscany. Vespucci represents  the traditions, culture and economic power of an entire merchant oligarchy. He is more than only an explorer: he’s a trader who sees the prospects of economic development related to the discovery of Mundus Novus. Florence is the creator of the Fiorino currency and expresses the gold coin with highest economic importance in Europe. Its strength is manifested through its banks as the most important creditor of the ruling houses of Europe, but Florence is not just the reserve of the treasury of Europe: it is also the city that first, right during the life of Amerigo, transmutes art and culture by enhancing their economic values ​​increasing patronage and collecting. Vespucci makes his mark not only as the discoverer, but also as a popularizer of the entrepreneurial spirit of Florence, a role that he plays before in Paris and then in Seville as an agent of the Medici family. With his discoveries, he puts himself in the center of a geopolitical revolution and is subjected to be spyed on by the major European states. Vespucci is finally, with Columbus, an innovator of navigation techniques in the discovery of unknown wonders of the new economic virgin territories of the western continent.



Founded in 2000, the year of the Great Jubilee, the Florentines Around the World is an association of scholars and lovers of Florence and its cultural and artistic traditional expressions. Its membership comprises of individuals and organizations from all continents, foundations and other institutional bodies and associations located in Florence and in areas of major emigration of the Florentines.



Associazione Fiorentini nel Mondo
Via Leonardo Ximenes 55B - 50125 Firenze



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